Tips to Help Young Children Transition Back To School

Posted on Dec 19, 2020 in School education

Tips to Help Young Children Transition Back To School

School starts again in less than a week. Do you have everything ready for your kids?

Before school starts, I should make sure that all necessary supplies and clothing are ready and organized. Pack lunches and snacks and breakfast/morning routine items like toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, etc. Help them find their homework assignment books or folders with assignments inside, so they know what is expected on certain days when it’s time to turn in work. Check all educational apps for notifications about upcoming tests or quizzes, deadlines, etc.

Children need to be prepared for back-to-school and transitioning into their new environment. Back-to-school is an exciting time, but it can also be a stressful period of change for the whole family. Children already in school may be nervous about going to a new classroom or missing old friends, while those who haven’t started yet may feel anxious and unprepared about what they’ll experience on their first day of school. Parents can ease these worries by preparing their children ahead of time with information about the upcoming changes in routine, sharing memories from past days of school, and discussing ways to continue learning throughout the year even when they’re not physically.

first day of school

How teachers can help students transition back to school?

I am a certified teacher, and I have been teaching for ten years. Transitioning back to school can be challenging, so here are some tips on how you can help your children transition.

  1. Help them get organized by creating an organizational system that works best for them. The key is to find something they will enjoy doing and keep it simple so they’ll want to use it.
  2. You could also set up a homework station in their room with everything they might need, including pencils, paper, notebooks, calculators, etc.,
  3. Make the morning routine fun by singing songs or reading books together before leaving for school
  4. Get rid of any distractions like TV time after dinner during the week
  5. Create a list of tasks.

The hard transition back to school

The school year is just around the corner, which means it’s time to start thinking about how your children will transition back into their daily routine. This can be a very difficult adjustment for young children, but there are ways you can help them through this stage.

Many children look forward to going back to school, but it can be a difficult transition for some. In addition, studies show that kids’ quality and quantity of sleep before returning to school affects their mood and performance in class. Therefore, parents need to help young children adjust by addressing their fears about returning, providing them with an appropriate bedtime routine, introducing new routines like brushing teeth at night time or reading together before bedtime, and making sure they are getting enough sleep (8-10 hours/night).